Top 10 Smart Voice Bot Software Solutions for SMEs

Smart Voice Bot Software Solutions

Profitability is the primary goal of all businesses, organizations, call centers, and other institutions. They must increase work efficiency and productivity in order to achieve high profitability. Fortunately, with the help of smart software solutions, businesses can achieve profitability while growing at a rapid rate. This has been made possible by the introduction of a slew of smart solutions that have enabled businesses to improve management, streamline operations, and boost productivity. Aside from call center and contact center solutions, there are smart and innovative software solutions that can handle a variety of important functions such as ticketing, billing, call recording, and voice bot customer service solutions to name a few.

Need for Software Solutions

Businesses are increasingly relying on innovative software solutions for a variety of reasons. Businesses have been able to achieve increased productivity and, as a result, better profitability thanks to software solutions. Software solutions are used in almost every industry. For instance, small businesses need to invest in the best logistic and transport management software in India to ensure timely deliveries. Software solutions are used by organizations and businesses for a variety of purposes, including streamlining and automating. Businesses can divert their pool of human resources to other complex processes and functions that require human intervention by automating a number of functions. Streamlining, on the other hand, ensures that businesses are more productive. All of these factors contribute to increased productivity and profitability of call centers.

10 Smart Software Solutions for Small Businesses and Call Centers

  • Work from Home Softwares

The term "work from home" has become synonymous with COVID-19. It's become the new standard, and it's here to stay. This required businesses to look for innovative software solutions that made managing work from home employees easy for them. The majority of work-from-home solutions are designed to function as an integrated solution that allows businesses to manage themselves more efficiently

SanCall Assist is a dependable work-from-home solution that enables companies to operate remotely. SanCall Assist is a smart mobile number dialer that works on both mobile and VOIP platforms. The users of this cloud call center software have a lot of options. It comes with a number of useful features, including centralized recording, a user-friendly interface, simple call transferring and blacklisting, a remote login option, call recording, IMEI authentication, centralized reporting, call conference, live monitoring, and more. SanCall Assist allows businesses to streamline their operations with the help of all of these features, allowing them to operate remotely.

  • IP-PBX

Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange (IP-PBX) is an acronym for Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange. IP-PBX is used in a variety of offices because it connects branches and multi-branch offices to establish voice calls over the internet. It's a useful telecommunication device that allows people in a building to communicate with one another via telephony. Internal communication must be smooth in order for a company to succeed. Within a branch, an IP PBX device facilitates communication exchange. It works by combining PBX systems and VoIP gateways to allow businesses to communicate internally.

The SanIP-PBX is a smart solution for internal communication in businesses. It connects all types of media, including PRI, analog line, VOIP, and GSM, while utilizing any resources, including analog phones, IP phones, PCs, laptops, and smartphones. Live call monitoring, call recording, remote barging, call conference, call forwarding, group/extension pickup, CDR reports, three-way calling, call routing (DID & ANI), and SMS/Email API integration are just a few of SanIP-most PBX's useful features. Overall, the San IPPBX is a critical device for ensuring smooth communication within a system.

  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Softwares

ERP, or enterprise resource planning, is an important management practice for businesses. Over time, business management software has evolved. The most recent management softwares are integrated solutions that can handle a variety of tasks. Enterprise resource planning software is a comprehensive software solution for businesses that helps them streamline their processes by allowing them to plan, monitor, and manage their operations more effectively.

SAN Softwares' VedaERP is one of the most dependable enterprise management softwares. It enables businesses to automate their processes and is packed with features that make it simple to use while also allowing them to manage their businesses more efficiently. E-invoices, CTI Integration, GST Return Filing, Lead Management, Project Management, and other functions are all possible with VedaERP. It's a safe and scalable solution that can be tailored to meet specific business needs.

  • Call Billing Softwares

Billing software is the most important softwares for any call center. Since both internal and external calls are important components of any call center, billing for both can be challenging. Call billing software is beneficial to both businesses and their customers. Apart from hassle-free billing, call billing softwares takes care of various other aspects that are related to billing, accounting, and subscriber management. They are remarkably successful, precise, and cost-effective.

SanCBS is the best call billing software for PBX. It provides accurate billing information. For monitoring and future reference, billing information based on call time, phone number, trunk, extension, duration, and other factors can be retrieved.

For DID billing, San IP-DID is the software to opt for. It is a useful pre-paid IP-PBX software. It is the best billing software for small businesses in India.

  • IVR Software and voice bot solution

An interactive voice bot solution is an essential software solution for businesses that handle calls in bulk, both incoming and outgoing. It allows them to manage calls in a better way and as a result, achieve better productivity. IVRs offer a number of features that make them truly indispensable. Some of these include smart call routing, call tracking, call recording, CDR, automatic calling, black listing, etc. An IVR system can be both on premise (SanIVR) and hosted (EasyGo IVR).

Voice bot Customer Service

Other IVR-related softwares include IVR Bot and IVR blasting softwares. An IVR bot is a smart voice bot software for handling calls. It is a powerful tool for companies to gain higher customer engagement and improve customer experience. The SanIVR Bot is the best IVR Bot for voice bot customer service.

Similarly, IVR blasting softwares finds usage in various fields such as telemarketing, outbound call centers, and campaigning. IVR blasting software is used for reaching a large number of customers at once. SanOBD is one of the most reliable IVR blasting softwares in India. It is also one of the best election campaigning softwares in India.

  • Transport Management Softwares

India's transportation industry has recognised the need for software solutions to manage logistics and transportation. Transport management software aids in the streamlining of operations for transportation companies. Transportation companies rely on software solutions for challans, GR, route payment vouchers, hired vehicle billing, fuel management, repair and maintenance, tyre and spare inventory management, and so on.

SanTrans: The best logistic and transport management software in India

SanTrans offers a comprehensive accounting module that handles all transportation transactions, billing, bank reconciliation, tracking, and printing of payment vouchers and checks.SanTrans is the best logistic and transport management software in India. It is a feature-packed software for container billing and car carrier billing. It provides various services such as Dispatch Entry, GR Entry, Route Payment Voucher, Daily Branch Report, GR Receiving, Bill Entry, Truck Maintenance, and Hire Charges for Outside Truck, Diesel/Petrol Bill, Tyre Management, Financial Accounting, etc. It's simple to use, inexpensive, scalable, and adaptable. SanTrans makes it simple for transportation companies to meet their regular billing targets.

  • Ticket Management Software

Efficient ticket management is the most important aspect of ensuring customer satisfaction. In addition to voice bot customer service, a robust ticket management software solution is one of the most important software solutions that businesses should invest in. Ticket management software performs a wide range of tasks, including registering new lead tickets, support tickets, ticket generation via call/API, lead assignment, auto replies, email attachments, Email/SMS alerts, and queue management, to name a few.

One of the most effective tools for ensuring good customer service is the SanTMS. It's one of the best queue management programmes available. Email queue assignment, escalation matrix, queue filtration, task assignment, MIS reporting, and queue rules are just a few of the useful features. It is one of the most dependable solutions for simple and convenient queue management.

  • Order Management Software

Small businesses are always on the lookout for innovative software to help them manage and process orders. Manual order management is time consuming and prone to errors. Businesses that sell goods and services to customers require dependable order management systems to keep things running smoothly.

SanORDO is a powerful order management software solution. It is one of the best order management softwares available in India for small businesses. It simplifies and streamlines order management by effectively handling pending orders, orders to be picked, orders to be delivered, and much more. It is a user-friendly software because it has a single order management panel that allows users to manage everything with ease.

  • Call and Voice Recording Softwares

In addition to voice bot customer service, call recording softwares is a prerequisite for any business or call center. Call recording software is one of the most important tools for businesses that deal with customers on a daily basis. Companies that deal with the public benefit significantly from recording calls and conversations because they serve as tangible evidence in the event of a dispute or crisis. Businesses can use recording software to provide excellent customer service.

The SanLogger is a smart voice logger that records audio from various sources such as phone calls, radios, microphones, and other audio sources. It makes administration easier by providing useful features that make it truly indispensable.

SanMRec is the best mobile call recording software. It helps users to keep track of agent-to-customer calls. It is the greatest software solution for centrally recording all incoming and outgoing calls.

  • Customized Software Solutions

Companies are always looking for the best software solutions to help them become more productive. They need robust tools such as voice bot solution in order to exceed customer expectations. Ideal software is simple to use and manage, and it blends into an organization's structure to help it perform better. However, this is rarely the case, as businesses hardly see the one perfect software application that can fulfill all of their needs. This problem can be overcome with the help of customized call management system for small business.

Businesses must be prepared to meet a variety of constantly changing needs, which necessarily involves the use of best-in-class technology. Depending on the nature and complexity of the demands, commercially available software may or may not be able to meet them. They frequently fall short of expectations, resulting in productivity issues for businesses. While a custom software solution may initially be more expensive, it will undoubtedly pay off in the long run. Commercially available software solutions are generally more expensive when various hidden costs such as license costs and upgrade charges are taken into account. Customized software eliminates these problems in the future while also giving consumers more control.

Custom software development is a feasible way for businesses and organizations to boost productivity and efficiency. Customized solutions such as voice bot solution can be modified to make it run more efficiently and give users more control. For many customers, customized software is the best option because of its better integration, security, flexibility, durability, and cost-effectiveness.

About SAN Softwares

SAN Softwares was founded in the year 2000 as a client-oriented software development company in India. We have extensive experience developing Telecom, CRM, and voice bot solution to provide our clients with smart software solutions. With our interactive and dynamic software, we have successfully served over 1500 clients, including government and private organizations.

We aim to develop unique software solutions that meet the needs of customers. Our entire line of products and services is focused on quality and cost-effectiveness. Our customers can be confident that we will do everything possible to assist them in gaining a competitive advantage in the market by implementing feature-rich, custom software. We have over 21 years of experience and a team of expert technicians to deliver high-quality telecom CRM software solutions and help you achieve 100% business growth.

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