Even if you simply have a few staff, including a company directory helps you to properly guide prospects to the appropriate person straight away. There is no need for them to talk with a representative before being routed to the correct person when using a directory since you may eliminate that step by allowing them to connect to that person on their own.
When someone shows interest in the call, without ever speaking to an actual representative, users may simply phone the extension that corresponds with the relevant person or department. So, you add extensions for each of your workers or departments, which are linked to the appropriate forwarding phones for each of them.
Then, record an audio message with the entire list and link it to your chosen menu item. Suppose, when the prospect taps “#1” (or whatever number you provide), they will hear the company directory audio message that you generated. They may phone the extension that corresponds to the individual they need at any moment once they listen to it.
When you have a large number of workers, you may even develop a dial-by-name directory to help callers identify the right individual.
Using a Call Menu, Provides a Great Option to The Caller
A call menu (also known as an auto-attendant or phone tree) has been one of the most essential tools for automation for a long time. If you haven’t adopted this technology for your business yet, you’re losing out on one of the most effective methods to handle and route calls.
There is a common assumption that call menus are intended for large firms with a high volume of calls, but no business is too small to benefit from them. A call menu may save you a lot of time and money; also, it can help you sound more professional when callers contact you, or you call them, no matter what size business you have.
Basically, it’s a virtual receptionist; this can be used as the menu to replace a live person who answers all of your calls since it will accomplish the majority of what the receptionist would do automatically.
The automated menu or calling system is able to greet the caller, lead them to the appropriate person or department, or even allow them to pick an option just to hear information, such as travel directions, hours, or other critical information. The most excellent part is that the menu screens call for you in many situations without requiring you to talk to a live person.